Nature Photography: Insider Secrets from the World’s Top Digital Photography Professionals【電子書籍】[ Chris Weston ]
<p>Have you ever wondered what it is that professional photographers do day in and day out that enables them to take consistently compelling images? Or thought that unravelling the insider secrets of the professionals could inspire you? Nature Photography: Insider Secrets from the World's Top Digital Photography Professionals takes a contemporary and innovative approach to revealing the day-to-day habits of the world's most successful wildlife, landscape and macro photographers, divulging the core skills and techniques through which they excel.</p> <p>This book is crammed full with expert advice taken from the world's leading pros directly from the field. It will empower the development of your skills to a professional level and fire your imagination. Starting with the basics of how to plan a rewarding field trip, whether locally or afar, for one day or a month, and covering all aspects of camera handling and photographic technique including: how to make perfect exposures every time, ensure pin-sharp images of moving subjects, decipher the complexities of camera menus and controls, and break through the mysteries of composition.</p> <p>And, having learned the secrets to success, the book maps out some simple yet powerful photo exercises and self-assignments to encourage you to explore all facets of digital photography and put into practice the essential skills that will make you, too, a highly successful photographer.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。
- 商品価格:2,952円
- レビュー件数:0件
- レビュー平均:0.0(5点満点)
Photography 関連ツイート
RT @SARAphotograph3: 「寒い夜だから...」model/シグ( @AmaKasi09 )
#写真撮っている人と繋がりたい…@SARAphotograph3 2018/11/13 04:10
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Yokohama Meets
💥Every month 4nd Thursday💥
👯LastTrain Party👯
OPEN 19:00 CLOSE 24:00
Photography… 2018/11/13 04:24
Photography おすすめサイト
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